Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Questions created by FoxFire students

1. What were times like when you were a child?
-How did you and your family live?
-Were times better, or worse? Why?
-What is your earliest memory?
2. What types of things did you do as a child?
-What did you like to do most? Why?
3. How did your parents treat you?
-What did they do with you that you remember best?
-What times with them were the most enjoyable to you? Why?
4. What advice or training did your parents give you that has helped you to lead a better, fuller life?
-What examples did they set for you?
-How did you profit from them?
-Do you feel your parents prepared you well for life?
5. As a teenager did your parents let you socialize with boys/girls?
-Did you have “dates” as we call them now?
-Where would you go when you went out?
6. What was it like when you first went out on your own?
-Were times hard?
-Did you marry?
7. What kind of work did you do to support yourself?
-Was it difficult?
-What did it mean to you?
8. How do you feel about living in the country?
-How about the city?
-Which do you like best? Why?
9. Do you feel there is a difference between country people and city people?
-If so, what is it, what makes it so?
10. How big a part has religion played in your life?
-What are your feelings on it?
-What is your proof for your belief in God?
-How has he shown himself to you?
11. How do you feel about life in general today?
-How different is it from the way it used to be?
-Is the quality of life better or worse now?
12. Are people different from what they used to be?
-In what ways?
-Are these changes good or bad?
13. How do you feel about the youth of today?
-Are the teenagers different now, from the way you and your friends are?
-What has caused these changes?
14. What do you think of the direction our country is going in today?
-Is American being run well, or badly?
15. What do you consider to be the most valuable possession you have ever had?
-(something you could not have done without in your lifetime.) Why?
16. Have you done everything in your life you wanted or planned to?
-If not, what were you not able to do?
17. If you could go back and live your life over, what would you change?
18. How do you feel about:
19. What do you consider to be vices, or faults, in people?
-Why are these things bad?
-How can they be overcome?
20. What advice could you give young people which would help them to lead better lives?
-What experiences have you had that they could benefit from?

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